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First reading of proposals, general rule   42 (1)
chief clerk's report used in lieu of   42 (2)
journal record of introduction, on day assembly does
not meet, constitutes first reading
  42 (3)(b)
Fiscal estimate (definition), see also Joint Rules 41 to 50 and
s. 13.093 (2), stats.
  95 (28)
read at length if not provided   35 (3)
Fiscal estimates by legislative fiscal bureau   99
Flag, U.S. and Wisconsin, committee to display   6 (1)(k)
Floor amendment:
definition of “floor amendment"   95 (30)
offered in committee   53 (3)
offered on 2nd reading   53 (2)
Floor debate time limits   55m
Floor leader, see also Majority leader, Minority leader:
duties   2 (1), (4), 11 (11)
election, removal, term   2 (1)
member of:
committee on assembly organization   9 (3)
committee on rules   24 (1)
Floor managers for proposals on special order   33 (1)(a)
Floor of the assembly (definition)   95 (29)
Forestry, committee on (standing committee)   9 (1)(k)
Fund-raising activities   98
Further action on proposal after passage (recall requires
joint resolution)
  23 (3), 51
Germaneness (definition)   95 (31)
Germaneness of amendments:
an amendment to an amendment   54 (5)
general requirements stated   54 (1)
list of amendments that are germane   54 (4)
list of assembly amendments that are not germane   54 (3)
motion, germaneness requirements apply   68
procedure in raising question of   54 (2)
raising question not in order after amendment adopted   54 (2)
raising question only applicable to assembly amendments   54 (2)
ruled on only when question is raised   54 (2)
special session, must be germane both to proposal
and governor's call
  93 (1)
call of special session, germaneness of proposals to   93 (1)
enrolled bill may be immediately messaged to
(on motion or by speaker's directive)
  23 (4)
message from, may be received and read, proposal
referred, or taken up   32 (1)
veto, how scheduled for action   31 (5), 44, 73 (3m)
Health, committee on (standing committee)   9 (1)(L)
Hearing (definition), see also Public hearing   95 (32)
History (definition)   95 (33)
Homeland security and state affairs, committee
on (standing committee)
  9 (1)(m)
Hour for meeting:
daily session begins: 9 a.m. except first day of week   28
inauguration day and first session of biennial
session: 2 p.m.   95 (66)
Housing, committee on (standing committee)   9 (1)(n)
Improper or disorderly language in debate   58
Incidental motions, requests and questions during debate   66
definition of “incidental motions and requests"   95 (34)
Indefinite postponement (assembly bills):
definition of “indefinite postponement"   95 (35)
final and adverse disposition   49 (1)(a)
not permitted twice on same day at same stage of proposal   72
precedence of motion for   65 (2)(h)
Information policy and technology, joint committee on,
s. 13.58, stats.
Insurance, committee on (standing committee)   9 (1)(o)
Intent of proposal frustrated, corrective amendment by committee
on assembly organization
  23 (2), (3)
Interpretation of rules, see also Points of order   3m (1)(g), 91
Interruption of member holding floor   57
Introduction (definition)   95 (36)
Introduction and offering of proposals, see Assembly
resolution, Bill, Joint resolution
Item veto, see Veto
Jefferson's manual applicable when no specific assembly
or joint rule governs procedures, unless inconsistent
with constitutional or statutory provisions
  91 (1)
Jobs, economy, and small business, committee on
(standing committee)
  9 (1)(p)
Joint committee for review of administrative rules (JCRAR), see
Administrative rules
Joint committee on employment relations (JCOER), see
Employment relations committee, assembly and joint
Joint committee on finance, see Finance committee, assembly and joint
Joint committee on information policy and technology, see Information
policy and technology, committee on
Joint convention, see also Joint Rule 1:
assembly chief clerk acts as chief clerk of   32 (2)
definition of “joint convention"   95 (37)
interrupts business of the assembly   32 (2)
senate president (or speaker) presides   32 (2)
Joint hearing (definition)   95 (38)
Joint resolution:
copies to be provided 24 hours before consideration
unless privileged
  35 (1)
definition of “joint resolution"   95 (39)
division not proper   80 (4)
executive action, 24 hours after proposal public   17d
introduction by committee   18 (5)
presentation of   39
privileged when relating to members, procedures, or
organization   43 (1)
proposing amendment to Wisconsin constitution: